All Things Come To You When You Are Ready 

Professional Coaching and Mentoring

All Things Come To You When You Are Ready 

I am sure you have probably all heard this saying, and for me, I can say it rings true to me. So many times, when I wanted things to change in my life, I wished on change but did not take steps to modify my behaviour or my thoughts. So consequently, I wasn’t getting what I wanted. It was only when I realised that I must be open change, and the consequences that it brings, will I ever truly be ready.  

In the wise words of James Baldwin “Not everything that is faced can be changed. However, nothing can be changed until it is faced.” This is particularly true for obstacles that show up in life. When you are struggling for new things to come your way, look for the positives and change your mindset. Attitude goes a long way for you to realise what you are capable of. 

A big part of this transformation process I went through was finding a coach that understood me and my challenges. Knowing that there was someone who I could turn to for advice and support in achieving a goal was the first step for me to be able to realise that I could achieve my dreams. 

Reflecting on all that I have achieved, I now realise I can handle anything that comes my way. I have been through many challenges, and I am still here. When things change, I go along with them, rather than thinking ‘what if?‘. This leads to interesting experiences. I deal with change in my stride. But it wasn’t always this easy. 

I now know that when I remain open to new ideas and opportunities, others take interest in me and what I am trying to achieve, and more often than not, they are happy to assist in my new ideas. 

When I find myself in a situation where I realise I need to change, I adapt and deal with it gracefully. I take care of myself first and ensure that I have everything I need to feel stable. 
I am now comfortable with the process of change. I have found that even unwanted events can lead me somewhere wonderful. 

I have learnt to let go of my fear and I turn my focus onto receiving instead of trying to control the world around me. The only person I can control is me! 

I now appreciate the opportunity to grow. I am thankful for everything that unfolds before me and have no regrets. I believe everything happens for a reason, even if you don’t know what that reason is at the time it is happening. 

Today, when I receive requests for help or an invitation to an event, I am thankful for the opportunity. I now realise that all things come to me when I am ready for them. 

Self-Reflection questions to ponder: 

  1. What does it mean to be ready for what comes your way? 
  1. What are you thankful of today? 
  1. How does gratitude help you overcome adversity?