Why choose Julia Gibney?
Using my wealth of industry experience and my formal coaching qualifications, (from the only globally recognised, independent credentialing program for coach practitioners), I mentor and coach individuals from all walks of life.
I’m passionate about connecting my clients with their purpose, helping them achieve their most desired outcomes and growing into their full potential.
And that’s where you come in. Are limiting beliefs about your capabilities and self worth holding you back? Do you feel overwhelmed, or at a junction, unable to move forward, fearing you haven’t got what it takes?
Whether you’re new to the job market and trying to find your place in it, or an individual who’s ready to take on their next greatest challenge (be it work-related or personal growth) – I’m here to help you overcome your greatest challenges and become the best version of yourself, day in, day out.
Industry Experience
- Aviation Technician and Aircraft Engineer – 23 Years Defence experience.
- Chartered Engineer in Leadership and Management.
- Engineers Australia 2022 Victoria Professional Engineer of the year – Finalist.
- Diverse career paths in Defence, Civil Aviation and the Railway Industry.
- University Lecturer in Human Factors, Leadership, Teamwork and Safety Culture
- Not For Profit – Coaching and Mentoring for students and the marginalised in developing life and employability skills
- Coaching and Mentoring students and graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
- Master of Engineering (Airworthiness) – RMIT
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics/Communications) – RMIT
- Graduate Certificate, Transport Safety Investigations – RMIT
- Graduate Diploma, Human Factors – Swinburne University of Technology
- Diploma of Leadership & Management – Metro Academy
- Higher National Diploma, Coaching – The Life Coach Academy
- Accredited Coach – International Coaching Federation
Client Testimonials
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
I was referred to Julia by a former colleague when I was looking for a coach and mentor. I was told that Julia prided herself in mentoring ex-defence members and graduates, so I reached out via LinkedIn.
Once I made contact with Julia, I found her to be immediately helpful as a mentor, and willing to share her experiences to illustrate strategic career guidance.
She has assisted me in career planning, professional development, and building relationships with industry leaders.
As an ex-defence member myself, I found Julia to be genuine and passionate in her approach to helping me with my own career path and goals.
I eventually had the opportunity to work alongside Julia in 2021, and I observed her consistency as both a mentor and leader in her field.
As a mentor, Julia has always been people-focussed, often placing herself in her mentees shoes when providing guidance, support and leadership. Julia is my first point of contact as a mentor and any employee, colleague, or associate would be lucky to have Julia as their mentor.
I look forward to the opportunity of working alongside her again in the future.
SPA Program Engineer
I was fortunate to meet Julia during a guest lecture she was presenting on safety management systems in a final year course at RMIT School of Engineering.
Immediately impressed by how effectively she not only communicated both technical and industry knowledge to an undergraduate audience, but listened, I knew it would be remiss of me not to connect.
It is not very often that a senior and experienced leader from industry gives the level of attention and dedication towards her students as Julia.
It is readily discernible that Julia is committed, towards shaping positive learning outcomes that ultimately contribute to sustainable pathways for graduate employability.
Julia is someone who has imparted both extensive technical knowledge and industry insight in the time I have been fortunate enough to benefit from her guidance and mentorship.
Julia was kind enough to speak at an industry panel presented for aviation and aerospace students from seven universities last year, and will be a guest speaker at a forthcoming interdisciplinary mentoring workshop for students at Deakin University. She has continued to provide ongoing insight, guidance and positive reinforcement, in pursuit of achieving the unrelenting professional goals expected of us as graduates.
The end of a degree is an especially critical time, where this leadership counts most. What I’ve really taken away from regular discourse about professional development with Julia is her straight forward approach. Both honest and respectful, she seamlessly plays devils advocate and challenges you to consider alternative perspectives, and weigh out all available options.
The graduate job market is by no means a straightforward task, but when guided by the steady hand of an experienced and dedicated mentor and industry expert, it makes taking the right steps seem all the more achievable.
Law Student
By complete chance, I was paired as Julia’s mentee as a part of the Victorian Government’s Women In Transport (WiT) Mentoring Program.
She provided intent, safety and structure to our interactions, and encouraged me to be my authentic self.
This made the discipline of putting in the work much easier.
Over the years, we have built a beautiful friendship, of which I am incredibly grateful.
There can sometimes be a misconception that a mentor will tell you exactly what to do (or what not to do) in a given situation. But this was not my experience with Julia. Instead, I could use our catch-ups to explore what aligned with my own values and unique definition of success. In essence, she helped me learn ways on how to better coach myself.
Throughout the years we have known each other, it has been wonderful seeing Julia directing more of her energy into the thing that she would prefer doing above all else: mentoring.
Be assured that she will dedicate her time, intellect and wisdom to anyone willing to make a commitment to their self-development.
Human Factors Specialist