What Inspires You?

Professional Coaching and Mentoring

What Inspires You?

Dictionaries define inspiration as a kind of sudden mental stimulation. A brilliant idea pops into your head while you’re taking a shower. Something you see out a car window triggers thoughts for a new invention or a different career. 

Inspiration is a curious thing. It’s been described as exalted and divine. It’s also part of ordinary life. It’s something that comes to you without any effort on your part. It’s also something that you can influence with your actions. Don’t keep your stories inside you, life will not wait. Do what motivates and inspires you. 

Do you want to learn more about how inspiration can brighten your life, along with strategies for enjoying more aha moments?  

Then read on. I have a few tips on what can create inspiration in your life. 

  1. Look at life with a positive lens. Focus on the things you can control and don’t dwell on things you can’t. Take a break from TV news if it’s making you feel anxious. 
  1. Cultivate gratitude. Being thankful is especially powerful. Keep a journal to remind you of your blessings. Let others know that they make a difference in your life. It’s the little things that mean so much to people. 
  1. Be spontaneous. When was the last time you did something on the spur of the moment? Shake up your routines by packing a picnic lunch or building a fort with your kids. Take the road less travelled, walk to work a different way. Who knows what you will see on a different path. 
  1. Honour your needs. You’re more likely to feel transported when you work at staying fit. Eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, and aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Manage stress and take refreshing breaks before you feel fatigued. 
  1. Observe role models. Surround yourself with friends and colleagues who feel passionate about what they do. You will see the spark they possess; enthusiasm is contagious. 
  1. Continue learning. Devote yourself to lifelong education. It doesn’t have to be formal education. Read books and listen to podcasts about a wide range of subjects. Keep adding to your knowledge and skills, this will create a spark inside you. 
  1. Try new things. Exploring unfamiliar territory helps you to overcome fears and think more flexibly. Substitute an exercise class for your usual bike ride. Volunteer at a local food bank or animal shelter. Helping others less fortunate helps to create a sense of purpose and inspiration. 
  1. Make art. Block out time each day for creative activities. Work on your hobbies or start a new craft project. Visit art supply stores and read magazines for ideas. 
  1. Practice patience. Dramatic flashes and profound insights can be few and far between. Remember that gradual developments can also pave the way to success. 
  1. Take action. On the other hand, you may sometimes speed up the process by taking a first step while you’re waiting for inspiration to strike. If you’re low on energy, pick up a paint brush or work in your garden for 10 minutes. You may find that you’ve built up enough momentum to want to continue. 
  1. Be less competitive. While there are many sources of inspiration in life, comparing yourself to others may backfire. Some studies show that less competitive personalities experience more inspiration. Enjoy your work and learn from experience, instead of worrying about impressing others. 

Open up more possibilities in your life. Being inspired will help you to accomplish great things and have more fun along the way.