Find Your Own Voice

Professional Coaching and Mentoring

Find Your Own Voice

In today’s era of social media it’s not always easy to stand out and reveal your true self to the world. We learn early in life that it’s often easier to blend in, go with the crowd or keep your head down. Standing out in a school setting can result in bullying and teasing. Doing things your own way with the expectation of being singled out can cause anxiety and fear. However, it can get easier in adulthood if you start following the beat of your own drum, but those early lessons can be hard to shake.

The world needs your individuality. And you need to be yourself. Life is never completely satisfying while you’re pretending to be less than you really are. If you are constantly living your life for or as someone else, there is little joy to be experienced.

When I left the military, my closest friends said that I seemed to be an entirely different person. More relaxed and happy. The fact that I didn’t have to worry about what I said, how I dressed and that I could actually wear nail polish, jewelry and dye my hair made a huge difference to how I felt about myself. I also feel that being in the military also contributed to my imposter syndrome, as I wasn’t being myself, let alone my best self!

So I decided to let the world see exactly who I was, and so should you!

Understand that everyone is trying to fit in. We all have an innate desire to fit in with the crowd. It’s not comfortable to stand out, but that’s where you’ll find the most success and satisfaction.

Know that people are respected for daring to be unique. Think about the people you know that are willing to be themselves regardless of the circumstances. Their level of comfort is attractive to others. We love people with this ability and want to be more like them. Understand that some people will be jealous of you. This is because you can be comfortable being yourself, and they only wish they could be. There’s a lot to be gained socially by presenting yourself honestly. Give it a try.

Identify what’s unique about you. What can you do better than most people? What are your natural gifts and talents? What is unique about you? What can you bring to the world that’s in short supply? What is your greatest value to the world? How are you different from others?

Find ways to show yourself to the world that aren’t too uncomfortable in being you. Suppose your talent is painting, but you fear showing anyone your work. You might choose to post your artwork anonymously online. Or you might try to sell your art in a gallery that’s out of town. Just imagine the feeling of achievement when you see how well others respond to your artwork, even though they don’t know the artist.

Think about it. What can you do to begin exposing yourself to the world slowly and comfortably? Maybe you can start with your friends. But make sure its authentically you. Try not to be ‘outlandish’ or a shock jock just to get attention. Do what you are most comfortable with.

Focus on the positive. When you receive some results from taking that first step, focus on the constructive feedback. What can you learn from being your true self? Allow yourself to enjoy the compliments.

Find like-minded people. There are people out there trying to do the same thing you are. Keeping with the artist theme, you could find other artists to spend time with. You can support each other. You can learn from each other. You’ll feel braver if you’re part of a community.

Continue to grow. Always be pushing forward. You don’t have to go fast to end up someplace great. You simply need to keep moving. The key to massive success is to keep yourself just slightly uncomfortable and get used to that feeling.

The world needs your best, so be willing to put it out there in a bigger and better way.

We admire those that are willing to be themselves. In a sea of seemingly average people, those brave enough to present themselves honestly to the world are valued and respected. You can be one of those people. Take a deep breath and reveal your true self. Share your talents and your weirdness. The world needs you.