
Professional Coaching and Mentoring

Building Self-Confidence: Embrace Authenticity and Believe in Yourself

In the journey of life, building self-confidence and embracing authenticity are like the wings that allow us to soar to new heights. Just as Amelia Earhart once said, “The most effective way to do it is to do it.” In this chapter of my book, I explore the essence of self-confidence, authenticity, and how they…
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Breaking Free from Society’s Expectations

From the moment we are born, society imposes expectations on us, dictating how we should behave, what we should wear, and even which careers to pursue. Unfortunately, these societal norms often limit our true potential and hinder our ability to express our authentic selves. This article explores the impact of societal expectations on female engineers…
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Facing FEAR: A Journey to Authenticity

Fear, a complex and universal human emotion, is an essential survival mechanism, alerting us to potential threats and triggering a “fight-or-flight” response. When fear arises, our bodies undergo physiological changes, preparing us for action. While fear serves to protect our well-being, excessive fear can become problematic. Social media, exacerbates this emotion with the rise of…
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Embracing your Vulnerability and Imperfections

When you are vulnerable, you show remarkable courage by sharing your genuine emotions and imperfections. It’s about being open and honest, even when it’s uncomfortable. Embracing vulnerability isn’t a weakness; it’s your strength, leading to authentic connections and personal growth.  My Journey as a Female Engineer  As a single mother in a male-dominated field, I…
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Uncovering your values and beliefs: Embrace your true self

Welcome to the transformative realm of Chapter Four in “Break free,” where the empowering journey to authenticity takes a giant leap forward. Activating authenticity is a potent force that begins with a harmonious alignment with your values, an unfiltered expression of your true self, and the forging of genuine connections with others. In this chapter,…
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Navigating the Tightrope of Conformity and Authenticity

In the quest to unravel the complexities surrounding our true selves, my third chapter delves into the intricate dance between authenticity and conformity. This article summarises the chapter by exploring the forces that shape our identities. It also hints at strategies to maintain a delicate balance between staying true to oneself and fitting into the…
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The Authenticity Model: Values, Trust and Self Awareness

When I was researching for my book, it made me reflect on what I thought the essence of authenticity was. This led me to construct a model that captured its meaning to me. Authenticity is the harmony between a person’s conduct and their principles, even under societal pressures. It’s the cornerstone of personal development and…
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The Importance of Authenticity – Synopsis of my first chapter

For over 25 years, I was living inauthentically. I prioritised the needs of others’ before my own. I was too conforming to societal expectations, all while neglecting my own desires and values. This path led to anxiety, depression and sleepless nights, putting my career in jeopardy. But I made a transformation, and you can too!…
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Unmasking Authenticity: Navigating the Tensions of Conformity

Authenticity is a concept that resonates deeply within many of us. It calls us to be genuine, to stay true to ourselves amidst the pressures and expectations of society. It’s about breaking free from the shackles of conformity and embracing our unique essence. As the acclaimed researcher and storyteller Brené Brown once expressed, “Authenticity is…
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Embracing Authenticity

In today’s professional landscape, authenticity has become a highly sought-after quality. People are increasingly recognising the power of being genuine and true to oneself. When you activate your authenticity, you unlock a world of possibilities for personal and professional growth. In this article, we will explore 10 actionable steps to help you embrace authenticity and…
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Activate your Authenticity

I used to struggle with being authentic, always trying to please others and fit in. It was exhausting and left me feeling unfulfilled. However, after years of trying to be someone I wasn’t, I decided to embrace my authenticity. It was challenging at first, as I had to confront my fears and insecurities. But as…
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The Rewards of living a fulfilling and purposeful life

As a female engineer, I have learned firsthand the importance of authenticity in both my personal and professional life. While it can be difficult to resist societal pressure to conform, the rewards of embracing my true self have been immeasurable. Living authentically has allowed me to feel fulfilled and purposeful in everything I do. Instead…
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How to Tell if Your Life is Out of Balance

It’s very challenging to achieve balance in life. Some believe it’s impossible to have a balanced life if you’re committed to succeeding at the highest level. Maybe that’s true, but most people don’t need to become a billionaire or a movie star to consider themselves successful. Success and a balanced life can coexist. However, you…
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Simple Ways to Protect Your Wellbeing

I am a big advocate in being kind to yourself. I used to be the worst in being critical to myself. It stemmed from having an overly critical parent, and eventually, the external voice became my own internal voice, never good enough, always failing at something. Until I almost had a nervous breakdown due to…
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Simple Ways to Make Your Life More Productive

Being a coach means that I get to help people become more productive with their time. So, it is no surprise that one of the top questions I get asked is “how can I become more productive with my time?” While you can outsource many things to help you become more productive, time is one…
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Labels Limit Potential

Reflecting over a few sessions I have had with clients recently, I have noticed a disturbing pattern. When someone feels insecure, unworthy or unloved, they tend to define that emotion with the use of a label. For insecurity the word that comes up the most is I’m ‘just’ a….. For insecurity, it’s more of defining…
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Simplify Your Life

Reflecting on my life over my break I thought to myself “how can I create more me time and do the things that I love” Then it came to me, I just need to simplify. You too can simplify and reclaim your life. You’re wasting time if your life is more complicated than it needs…
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Being Grateful Does Wonders for the Soul

Reflecting on my holiday last week, I am truly grateful for being able to travel in this beautiful country. I was able to catch up with old friends, family and new work colleagues. It made me truly thankful for being alive. So, when was the last time you said thank you for something as simple…
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Balancing Work and Home Responsibilities

Recently, I have had a few clients that have asked “How do I maintain my sanity when working from home. How to I create work life balance?” It may sound like a simple request, but it can be quite challenging, especially if you don’t create boundaries. If there’s only one piece of advice I could…
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How to Tell if Your Life is Out of Balance

It’s very challenging to achieve balance in life. Some believe it’s impossible to have a balanced life if you’re committed to succeeding at the highest level. Maybe that’s true, but most people don’t need to become a billionaire or a movie star to consider themselves successful. Success and a balanced life can coexist. However, you…
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How to Set Effective Career Goals

I help people become better versions of themselves. Sometimes, this means helping them decide what they want to get out of their career. When I ask them what they want out of their career, the answer usually isn’t just “an income.” We all have dreams of what we’d like to accomplish in our career. Some…
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It’s Never Too Late to Follow Your Dreams

If you knew it was impossible to fail, what dreams would you pursue? If your dreams are possible for others, then you can achieve them too! Your current position in life can be the launching pad to the destiny you’ve always dreamed about. It is true that bigger dreams take longer to achieve. However, if…
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Clarify Your Goals for Greater Success

In a recent coaching session, I was asked, but how do I make a goal and stick to it? In this world there are two types of goals, process goals and product goals.  A process goal is like a compass. It helps you focus on where you want to go in life and allows you…
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How to be More Socially Confident

Some people have social confidence to spare. It’s easy to see that some children are seemingly born with great social confidence, while others are not. Social confidence seems to come and go for most adults. For me, I was very much a wallflower for the best part of my early adult years. I used to…
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Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

Have you ever thought to yourself, things like “I can’t do this” or “I’m not good enough” or maybe even “what will others think?” I know I have. This is a natural reaction to anything new or challenging. There is no question that fear and self-doubt can be crippling to some. Therefore, many people may…
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With the advent of social media, comparing ourselves to others has become almost the norm. Social media makes it easier to compare ourselves to others rather than feel content about our current looks. We also tend to talk about how life would be easier if only we lost a few kilos or had the perfect…
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Tips for Overcoming Negative Self-talk

One of my biggest hurdles in becoming successful in my own right was to conquer my negative self-talk. Overcoming negative self-talk is one of the most critical mindset shifts you can make in your life. It seems that almost everyone appears to understand the importance of this shift, However, most people still struggle with it.…
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Self-Esteem – How are your nurturing yours?

Self-esteem is the way we think about ourselves and the value we place on ourselves, and low self-esteem is practically an epidemic these days. Every day we are bombarded with images of impossible success and beauty. And it’s hard to avoid making comparisons, and those comparisons never seem to work out in our favour, especially…
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Making Peace with Your Inner Critic

Last month I talked about the inner critic. We all have one! It is the way you talk to yourself. It can build you up or tear you down. When your inner dialogue is harsh, or critical it’s usually because you’re repeating things you heard from your parents or other authority figures when you were…
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8 Tips to Boost Confidence at Work

I often get asked, how can I be more confident in my surroundings? When I ask, what do I mean, they say… “like you. You’re confident!”. And the funny thing is, its all relative. There are times at work that I certainly don’t feel confident. But I appear confident as I have learnt how to…
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Signs That You’re Doing Better Than You Think

Our brains are wired to seek out negative aspects of life on the basis of threats mean danger. So, it is not unusual for a person to look at all the doom and gloom going on in the world. This can lead us to believe that we are doing worse than we actually are. And…
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Find Your Own Voice

In today’s era of social media it’s not always easy to stand out and reveal your true self to the world. We learn early in life that it’s often easier to blend in, go with the crowd or keep your head down. Standing out in a school setting can result in bullying and teasing. Doing…
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The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others

Have you ever looked at someone and thought ‘I wish I could (be/do/ dress/ act) like that?’ In my younger days, I certainly did. It seemed natural and I think it stemmed from when my parents said… I wish you were more like…, or you should be more like…. It can become habitual and it…
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How to deal with your inner critic

Were you ever about to do something – and then suddenly, that voice inside your head starts talking? Have you ever experienced a negative voice inside your head that judges, criticizes, or demeans you?  I have. And it can stem from various different reasons such as childhood trauma, being criticized by people you look up…
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Imposter Syndrome – is it affecting you?

Do you ever felt like you don’t belong, or everyone is going to find out that you don’t deserve your achievements?  Can you relate to feelings of chronic self-doubt? If so, you’ve probably experienced imposter syndrome. Overall, imposter syndrome stems from a high sense of self-doubt. Instead of attributing your success to your skills, you…
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Five Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Congratulations…. You’ve made it to the new year! Now, what do you want to achieve for your life this year? If you have a habit of setting resolutions at the beginning of the year and then abandoning them a few days later, now is your chance to try something different. Imagine how the course of…
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The Benefits of Hard Work

Hard work has been touted for centuries as the primary ingredient of any great success. One of the challenges many people have is the belief that hard work must be miserable, that it can’t be enjoyed, and that it’s something just to be endured. So perhaps the real key to being wildly successful is the…
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Steer Your Career in a Clear and Positive Direction

Have you been thinking about where your career is going lately? Has this year inspired you to seek new opportunities?  Your career is like a ship and you’re the captain. You can drift along like a sailboat without wind or you can take command of the ropes to guide it in a clear and positive…
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New year, New Direction

Welcome back everyone to a new year. Now, I have noticed that in the first week of January, there are usually a bunch of (well meaning) people talking about new year resolutions, setting goals and taking stock. Which is great. In fact, my initial blog that I was going to release on Monday 02 Jan…
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Become an Expert in Your Field – Perfecting Your Skills and Delegating Your Weaknesses

I’m sometimes asked “how do you become an expert in your field?” My answer is simple, if you want to be seen as an expert in your field, you need to stand out from the crowd or competition at work. This takes positive action on your part and not just walking around telling people that…
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Ways to Lower Stress in Your Personal and Professional Life

With Christmas almost upon us, this time of year can create all different kinds of stress. Family occasions, having a career, dealing with difficult co-workers, and annoying customers means that you could be under a lot of stress. Unlike much of the stress in other areas of your life, professional and family stress is often…
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How to Turn a Deadline in to a Walk in the Park

Coming up to the end of the year, there could be a need to finish certain tasks before going on a well-deserved break. However, with the impending end of year holidays approaching, you may have set yourself some dreaded deadlines. If so, that feeling could be sending you into a state of inaction, causing you…
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How to Stop Burnout Before It Starts

Research shows that most workplace accidents occur in the months of October and November. This could be attributed to the fact that people push themselves harder and harder towards the end of the year, which could lead to burnout, if not an accident. Burnout can significantly affect your mind and body causing you to suffer…
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The Secret of Successful Learning and Behaviour Goals

As a Professional Coach, people come to me to achieve career ambitions, learn new life skills and become ‘more successful’ in life. In order to do this, you have to set some sort of goals to achieve to help you get there. When people think about goals, they tend to focus on performance goals. However,…
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Eight Tips for Bringing Your Personal Goals to Reality

As we approach the end of the year, some people start reflecting on what they have achieved in the current year, and what they hope to achieve in the new year. Some people go about their daily life just getting by from one day to the next, all the while saving their dream goals for…
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How to Deal with Difficult Coworkers

In today’s blog I am going to tackle some more difficult situations that you may experience during your working career. How to deal with difficult co-workers. Now, in your personal life, you can walk away from toxic friendships. At the office, it’s more difficult to distance from someone who tries to take advantage of you.…
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12 Ways to Ensure That Your Resume Gets Read

Have you ever sent off numerous resumes for different jobs and heard nothing back? According to the employment website, Glassdoor, the average corporate job opening attracts 250 resumes. With that kind of volume, it’s little wonder that most resumes get looked at for 7 seconds or less. So, how do you make yours stand out?…
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Five Ways to Reduce the Stress of Working from Home

Working from home may sound like a dream come true at first. You get to sleep in longer, have direct access to all your favourite snacks and beverages. You don’t have to dress up to go to work or even take a shower if you don’t feel like it. Plus, there’s no exhausting daily commute…
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Reduce Stress Before a Job Interview With These Techniques

I help people craft their CV’s and cover letters to help them get to an interview. I also help people prepare for their interview. Now let’s be honest, interviews can be pretty stressful experiences. Even if you’re excited by the prospect of potentially getting a new job, the chances are you’re probably going to be…
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4 Crucial Questions to Ask Yourself when Considering a Career Change

Some people really know what they want to do when they leave school, college, or university. However, for many of us, we have no idea what we really want. We choose a job or career based on what our parents, friends, or career advisors say, or whatever is available at the time. Then, ten or…
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Quick Tips for Successful Career Development

I constantly get asked; how do I get to the next level in my career? How did you do it. My honest response, you need to plan, and say yes to opportunities that you normally wouldn’t consider. Now I am not saying say yes to everything, but some well-considered options and thinking outside the box…
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Tips That Help You Make Connections at Work and in Life

With the advent of working from home more these days, I have found that making new meaningful connections and work and in life can be more challenging. However, work and day-to-day life are more enjoyable when you have meaningful relationships. It’s nice to have someone to talk to. And, the more people you know, the…
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How To Impress Your Boss in Just a Few Easy Steps

Figuring out how to impress your boss can be tough. On the one hand, you want to capture their attention and make them consider you for any promotions or bonuses you might have coming your way. On the other hand, you don’t want to appear desperate or look like a suck-up to your colleagues. The…
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How to Figure Out What Type of Job You Really Want

I am constantly asked at networking events about what I do and how do I help people become the best they can be.  Part of my services involves helping people understand their personality and their drivers, so they can find the best job that keeps them happy and satisfied. If you are you considering a…
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Valuable Ways to Spend Your After-Work Time When Working Remotely

Have you noticed that since working from home became a regular thing, working hours and boundaries between home life and work have blurred significantly? If you’re a bit of a workaholic, it’s often difficult to determine how you should be spending your time in-between stints of office interactions. Do you find that you should be…
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Habits That Make You a More Valuable Employee

Reflecting back on my most recent nomination of Professional Engineer of the Year and when searching for top talent to join my team I thought about some of the things I believe that can truly set you apart from others by making yourself more valuable which leads to a more successful career. It goes without…
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How to Make the Most of Limited Resources

If you’re anything like me, you may find that at times you don’t have enough time in the day or resources available to complete the work you need to do. As a result, I sometimes procrastinate. However, in today’s competitive world, it’s essential to make the best use of your day. It’s important to find…
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3 simple ways to make your career more meaningful

3 Simple Ways to Make Your Career More Meaningful

We all know that we work to make money, which is nice. Work also gets you titles that some people see as a status symbol in some respects. While those things are great, they are not the only things that matter in life. Money and labels can’t make you happy. They simply get you an income

Growing your professional network

Growing your Professional Network

Tips for growing an authentic professional network

Top strategies to become more assertive at work

Top Strategies to become more assertive at work

Have you ever desired you were more assertive at work? Or have you ever looked back on a situation and wished you could have said something different?

Discovering your purpose

Discovering Your Purpose

Some people think to be ‘successful’ you need to discover your life purpose. This is not always the case, but it does help you understand what drives you and what gives you energy.

How to have a life outside work

How to have a life outside of work

Have you ever thought, surely there has to be more to life than work. In the current COVID climate, it isn’t as easy to have a life outside of work compared to 3 years ago. People interact less in person. Everyone is obsessed with their electronic devices and people take less time to really check in on others

Cultivating your network

Cultivating Your Network

An effective network is more than a collection of business cards. Develop closer professional relationships and advance your career by keeping in touch with your contacts and taking the initiative to reach out if you’ve let a valuable connection grow cold. Regular communication will strengthen your relationships, and there are steps you can take if…
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Is the Goal Really the Point?

A few weeks back I wrote an article on whether or not to share your goals. This week I explore ‘Is the goal really the point?’;  I see these two topics intrinsically linked as it depends on why you are setting the goal in the first place. 

3 Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Accomplishing anything in life takes hard work and dedication to succeed. Although some believe that others may be lucky, have been given advantages, or are at the right place at the right time, the truth is that most people have to work for what they want. 

How Regular People Find Their Purpose

Have you ever stopped and wondered how some people seamlessly find their purpose, and yet others die without ever knowing the joy of being purposeful?

What Inspires You?

Inspiration is a curious thing. It’s been described as exalted and divine. It’s also part of ordinary life. It’s something that comes to you without any effort on your part. It’s also something that you can influence with your actions. Don’t keep your stories inside you, life will not wait. Do what motivates and inspires you. 

Should You Share Your Goals Publicly?

Some people are highly motivated by external influences to spur you on. While other people wouldn’t dream on sharing their goals due to a number of factors. Maybe you’ve been ridiculed in the past, or people around you don’t really understand your motivations. So, how do you know when to share your goals for that extra motivation, and when should you keep it under wraps? 

4 Ways to Get Motivated on Monday Morning

We all know that there are benefits to taking charge of our Mondays. It is the springboard to a well-prepared, productive week – a week that will determine if our bills get paid or not and if we will get closer to our goals or not. 

Top 6 Actions That Help You Achieve Your Goals

So, we are over halfway through the year and if you are like me, you had some lofty ideas about what you wanted to achieve this year and how you were going to go about it. And, you may have set some goals or New Year’s resolutions only to find that as the year progressed, little things cropped up and started to wear away at your mindset, diminishing the well-intentioned goals set months before. This is okay, life happens. If you are feeling like you are in a funk and if you’re tired of making resolutions and goals that you never accomplish, a new approach may help.  

6 Ways to Stay Motivated and Positive

Have you ever read a motivational book, watched an inspiring video, or tried to implement a new habit, only to give up after a few days? I have, and it got me thinking: Why can I stay focused and motivated on some things, but not others?

What Is The Meaning of Life?

Google “what is the meaning of life” and you will quickly discover that it is one of those sought-after quests that can never truly be answered because there are just too many opinions and personal definitions for any one meaning to be true for everyone.

Ideas for Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

If you live your life’s purpose and get a job that ignites your passion, you will be able to have a life filled with excitement and happiness. 

Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

Whether you believe it or not, there is a purpose for your life. Some people instinctively know what they are meant to be doing. Whereas others may have to take several paths to find their way. With a little digging, you too can find where you’re meant to be.

Questions to Ask Yourself to Discover Your True Passions

It takes time, soul-searching, and some life experience to identify your true passions. These prompts are written to tap into your wants, needs, desires, and fantasies. Have fun with them and discover what you can add to your life that will fill it with delight. 

How You Can Develop Success in Your Life 

What does success mean to you? And how do you develop yourself to be ‘successful’? This blog will look at the top five traits in the super successful and how you can develop these traits to.

Finding Your Life Purpose

Do you ever wonder why you’re here? After all, we are all created with a unique set of passions and talents that no one else in the world can duplicate! Discovering your purpose in life lets you use your unique assortment of feelings and abilities to bring you greater self-fulfilment.

I See the World with Fresh Eyes

I seek a personal connection with the events I observe. I explore important memories and I think about how I can contribute to the world.

Create a Vision for Your Life Today

You’ve probably heard that you can only get where you want to be if you know where you’re going. This pithy statement is as true now as the first time it was said. So how do you come to know where you’re going, so you can get where you want to be?

Stopping Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is when people hinder their own success. This can be in the form of negative self-talk, such as telling yourself that you are inadequate or unworthy of success.

5 Ways to Start Getting Results Now 

We’ve all had stages in our life when we don’t seem to be getting the outcomes that we’ve worked so hard for. The truth is time will pass and your life will not look any different from today if you don’t do anything differently. Here are five things that you can try to get your results not in the distant future, but now.

New Possibilities – Future Goals

New possibilities are open to you when you invite yourself to have different experiences to what you do currently, and you seek alternate opportunities to explore and discover.

People generally decide to seek out a coach when they want to explore the idea of pursuing new goals and opportunities. Generally, they don’t know where to start; or, they may have some idea of what to do but are unsure of taking that next step.

Finding Your True Passion

We all know that growth and success can only happen when we make short term sacrifices to overcome the obstacles and beat the odds. And once you make the choice to burst out of your protective shell and work with intensity, then you’re ready to discover and pursue your deepest passion.

Why a Mentor is Critical and How to Find One

Success is easier and faster with a mentor.

Maybe you want the satisfaction of pursuing your dream alone. Or maybe you’re embarrassed to reach out to a potential mentor, or don’t even know where to begin looking.

7 Tips to Find Your Purpose 

Finding your purpose, calling, or mission requires some soul searching. It may be something that seemed unrealistic or out of reach.

All Things Come To You When You Are Ready 

I am sure you have probably all heard this saying, and for me, I can say it rings true to me. So many times, when I wanted things to change in my life, I wished on change but did not take steps to modify my behaviour or my thoughts.

13 Ways to Motivate Yourself 

You might find that your motivation never seems to last for long, but that’s okay. There are so many ways you can rekindle your motivation.

Contemplating Life and New Beginnings….. How I Will Succeed

A balanced life saves me from burning out. Just recently I negotiated part time work from my current employer for two reasons. The first, so I could find more time for myself. The second, so I could enjoy the slow launch of my new company. In the words of Simon Sinek:

It is better to go slowly in the right direction, than to go speeding in the wrong direction.”