
Professional Coaching and Mentoring

Activate your Authenticity

I used to struggle with being authentic, always trying to please others and fit in. It was exhausting and left me feeling unfulfilled. However, after years of trying to be someone I wasn’t, I decided to embrace my authenticity. It was challenging at first, as I had to confront my fears and insecurities. But as…
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The Rewards of living a fulfilling and purposeful life

As a female engineer, I have learned firsthand the importance of authenticity in both my personal and professional life. While it can be difficult to resist societal pressure to conform, the rewards of embracing my true self have been immeasurable. Living authentically has allowed me to feel fulfilled and purposeful in everything I do. Instead…
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How to Tell if Your Life is Out of Balance

It’s very challenging to achieve balance in life. Some believe it’s impossible to have a balanced life if you’re committed to succeeding at the highest level. Maybe that’s true, but most people don’t need to become a billionaire or a movie star to consider themselves successful. Success and a balanced life can coexist. However, you…
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Simple Ways to Protect Your Wellbeing

I am a big advocate in being kind to yourself. I used to be the worst in being critical to myself. It stemmed from having an overly critical parent, and eventually, the external voice became my own internal voice, never good enough, always failing at something. Until I almost had a nervous breakdown due to…
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Simple Ways to Make Your Life More Productive

Being a coach means that I get to help people become more productive with their time. So, it is no surprise that one of the top questions I get asked is “how can I become more productive with my time?” While you can outsource many things to help you become more productive, time is one…
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Labels Limit Potential

Reflecting over a few sessions I have had with clients recently, I have noticed a disturbing pattern. When someone feels insecure, unworthy or unloved, they tend to define that emotion with the use of a label. For insecurity the word that comes up the most is I’m ‘just’ a….. For insecurity, it’s more of defining…
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Simplify Your Life

Reflecting on my life over my break I thought to myself “how can I create more me time and do the things that I love” Then it came to me, I just need to simplify. You too can simplify and reclaim your life. You’re wasting time if your life is more complicated than it needs…
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Being Grateful Does Wonders for the Soul

Reflecting on my holiday last week, I am truly grateful for being able to travel in this beautiful country. I was able to catch up with old friends, family and new work colleagues. It made me truly thankful for being alive. So, when was the last time you said thank you for something as simple…
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Balancing Work and Home Responsibilities

Recently, I have had a few clients that have asked “How do I maintain my sanity when working from home. How to I create work life balance?” It may sound like a simple request, but it can be quite challenging, especially if you don’t create boundaries. If there’s only one piece of advice I could…
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How to Tell if Your Life is Out of Balance

It’s very challenging to achieve balance in life. Some believe it’s impossible to have a balanced life if you’re committed to succeeding at the highest level. Maybe that’s true, but most people don’t need to become a billionaire or a movie star to consider themselves successful. Success and a balanced life can coexist. However, you…
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