
Professional Coaching and Mentoring

Discovering your purpose

Discovering Your Purpose

Some people think to be ‘successful’ you need to discover your life purpose. This is not always the case, but it does help you understand what drives you and what gives you energy.

How to have a life outside work

How to have a life outside of work

Have you ever thought, surely there has to be more to life than work. In the current COVID climate, it isn’t as easy to have a life outside of work compared to 3 years ago. People interact less in person. Everyone is obsessed with their electronic devices and people take less time to really check in on others

Cultivating your network

Cultivating Your Network

An effective network is more than a collection of business cards. Develop closer professional relationships and advance your career by keeping in touch with your contacts and taking the initiative to reach out if you’ve let a valuable connection grow cold. Regular communication will strengthen your relationships, and there are steps you can take if…
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Is the Goal Really the Point?

A few weeks back I wrote an article on whether or not to share your goals. This week I explore ‘Is the goal really the point?’;  I see these two topics intrinsically linked as it depends on why you are setting the goal in the first place. 

3 Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Accomplishing anything in life takes hard work and dedication to succeed. Although some believe that others may be lucky, have been given advantages, or are at the right place at the right time, the truth is that most people have to work for what they want. 

How Regular People Find Their Purpose

Have you ever stopped and wondered how some people seamlessly find their purpose, and yet others die without ever knowing the joy of being purposeful?

What Inspires You?

Inspiration is a curious thing. It’s been described as exalted and divine. It’s also part of ordinary life. It’s something that comes to you without any effort on your part. It’s also something that you can influence with your actions. Don’t keep your stories inside you, life will not wait. Do what motivates and inspires you. 

Should You Share Your Goals Publicly?

Some people are highly motivated by external influences to spur you on. While other people wouldn’t dream on sharing their goals due to a number of factors. Maybe you’ve been ridiculed in the past, or people around you don’t really understand your motivations. So, how do you know when to share your goals for that extra motivation, and when should you keep it under wraps? 

4 Ways to Get Motivated on Monday Morning

We all know that there are benefits to taking charge of our Mondays. It is the springboard to a well-prepared, productive week – a week that will determine if our bills get paid or not and if we will get closer to our goals or not. 

Top 6 Actions That Help You Achieve Your Goals

So, we are over halfway through the year and if you are like me, you had some lofty ideas about what you wanted to achieve this year and how you were going to go about it. And, you may have set some goals or New Year’s resolutions only to find that as the year progressed, little things cropped up and started to wear away at your mindset, diminishing the well-intentioned goals set months before. This is okay, life happens. If you are feeling like you are in a funk and if you’re tired of making resolutions and goals that you never accomplish, a new approach may help.