Category: Friday Insights

Professional Coaching and Mentoring

Embracing Authenticity

In today’s professional landscape, authenticity has become a highly sought-after quality. People are increasingly recognising the power of being genuine and true to oneself. When you activate your authenticity, you unlock a world of possibilities for personal and professional growth. In this article, we will explore 10 actionable steps to help you embrace authenticity and…
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How to Tell if Your Life is Out of Balance

It’s very challenging to achieve balance in life. Some believe it’s impossible to have a balanced life if you’re committed to succeeding at the highest level. Maybe that’s true, but most people don’t need to become a billionaire or a movie star to consider themselves successful. Success and a balanced life can coexist. However, you…
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Simple Ways to Make Your Life More Productive

Being a coach means that I get to help people become more productive with their time. So, it is no surprise that one of the top questions I get asked is “how can I become more productive with my time?” While you can outsource many things to help you become more productive, time is one…
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Simplify Your Life

Reflecting on my life over my break I thought to myself “how can I create more me time and do the things that I love” Then it came to me, I just need to simplify. You too can simplify and reclaim your life. You’re wasting time if your life is more complicated than it needs…
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Balancing Work and Home Responsibilities

Recently, I have had a few clients that have asked “How do I maintain my sanity when working from home. How to I create work life balance?” It may sound like a simple request, but it can be quite challenging, especially if you don’t create boundaries. If there’s only one piece of advice I could…
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How to Set Effective Career Goals

I help people become better versions of themselves. Sometimes, this means helping them decide what they want to get out of their career. When I ask them what they want out of their career, the answer usually isn’t just “an income.” We all have dreams of what we’d like to accomplish in our career. Some…
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Clarify Your Goals for Greater Success

In a recent coaching session, I was asked, but how do I make a goal and stick to it? In this world there are two types of goals, process goals and product goals.  A process goal is like a compass. It helps you focus on where you want to go in life and allows you…
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Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

Have you ever thought to yourself, things like “I can’t do this” or “I’m not good enough” or maybe even “what will others think?” I know I have. This is a natural reaction to anything new or challenging. There is no question that fear and self-doubt can be crippling to some. Therefore, many people may…
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Tips for Overcoming Negative Self-talk

One of my biggest hurdles in becoming successful in my own right was to conquer my negative self-talk. Overcoming negative self-talk is one of the most critical mindset shifts you can make in your life. It seems that almost everyone appears to understand the importance of this shift, However, most people still struggle with it.…
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Making Peace with Your Inner Critic

Last month I talked about the inner critic. We all have one! It is the way you talk to yourself. It can build you up or tear you down. When your inner dialogue is harsh, or critical it’s usually because you’re repeating things you heard from your parents or other authority figures when you were…
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