Category: Friday Insights

Professional Coaching and Mentoring

Signs That You’re Doing Better Than You Think

Our brains are wired to seek out negative aspects of life on the basis of threats mean danger. So, it is not unusual for a person to look at all the doom and gloom going on in the world. This can lead us to believe that we are doing worse than we actually are. And…
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The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others

Have you ever looked at someone and thought ‘I wish I could (be/do/ dress/ act) like that?’ In my younger days, I certainly did. It seemed natural and I think it stemmed from when my parents said… I wish you were more like…, or you should be more like…. It can become habitual and it…
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Imposter Syndrome – is it affecting you?

Do you ever felt like you don’t belong, or everyone is going to find out that you don’t deserve your achievements?  Can you relate to feelings of chronic self-doubt? If so, you’ve probably experienced imposter syndrome. Overall, imposter syndrome stems from a high sense of self-doubt. Instead of attributing your success to your skills, you…
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The Benefits of Hard Work

Hard work has been touted for centuries as the primary ingredient of any great success. One of the challenges many people have is the belief that hard work must be miserable, that it can’t be enjoyed, and that it’s something just to be endured. So perhaps the real key to being wildly successful is the…
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New year, New Direction

Welcome back everyone to a new year. Now, I have noticed that in the first week of January, there are usually a bunch of (well meaning) people talking about new year resolutions, setting goals and taking stock. Which is great. In fact, my initial blog that I was going to release on Monday 02 Jan…
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Become an Expert in Your Field – Perfecting Your Skills and Delegating Your Weaknesses

I’m sometimes asked “how do you become an expert in your field?” My answer is simple, if you want to be seen as an expert in your field, you need to stand out from the crowd or competition at work. This takes positive action on your part and not just walking around telling people that…
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How to Turn a Deadline in to a Walk in the Park

Coming up to the end of the year, there could be a need to finish certain tasks before going on a well-deserved break. However, with the impending end of year holidays approaching, you may have set yourself some dreaded deadlines. If so, that feeling could be sending you into a state of inaction, causing you…
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The Secret of Successful Learning and Behaviour Goals

As a Professional Coach, people come to me to achieve career ambitions, learn new life skills and become ‘more successful’ in life. In order to do this, you have to set some sort of goals to achieve to help you get there. When people think about goals, they tend to focus on performance goals. However,…
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How to Deal with Difficult Coworkers

In today’s blog I am going to tackle some more difficult situations that you may experience during your working career. How to deal with difficult co-workers. Now, in your personal life, you can walk away from toxic friendships. At the office, it’s more difficult to distance from someone who tries to take advantage of you.…
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Five Ways to Reduce the Stress of Working from Home

Working from home may sound like a dream come true at first. You get to sleep in longer, have direct access to all your favourite snacks and beverages. You don’t have to dress up to go to work or even take a shower if you don’t feel like it. Plus, there’s no exhausting daily commute…
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