Category: Friday Insights

Professional Coaching and Mentoring

4 Crucial Questions to Ask Yourself when Considering a Career Change

Some people really know what they want to do when they leave school, college, or university. However, for many of us, we have no idea what we really want. We choose a job or career based on what our parents, friends, or career advisors say, or whatever is available at the time. Then, ten or…
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Tips That Help You Make Connections at Work and in Life

With the advent of working from home more these days, I have found that making new meaningful connections and work and in life can be more challenging. However, work and day-to-day life are more enjoyable when you have meaningful relationships. It’s nice to have someone to talk to. And, the more people you know, the…
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How to Figure Out What Type of Job You Really Want

I am constantly asked at networking events about what I do and how do I help people become the best they can be.  Part of my services involves helping people understand their personality and their drivers, so they can find the best job that keeps them happy and satisfied. If you are you considering a…
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Habits That Make You a More Valuable Employee

Reflecting back on my most recent nomination of Professional Engineer of the Year and when searching for top talent to join my team I thought about some of the things I believe that can truly set you apart from others by making yourself more valuable which leads to a more successful career. It goes without…
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3 simple ways to make your career more meaningful

3 Simple Ways to Make Your Career More Meaningful

We all know that we work to make money, which is nice. Work also gets you titles that some people see as a status symbol in some respects. While those things are great, they are not the only things that matter in life. Money and labels can’t make you happy. They simply get you an income

Top strategies to become more assertive at work

Top Strategies to become more assertive at work

Have you ever desired you were more assertive at work? Or have you ever looked back on a situation and wished you could have said something different?

How to have a life outside work

How to have a life outside of work

Have you ever thought, surely there has to be more to life than work. In the current COVID climate, it isn’t as easy to have a life outside of work compared to 3 years ago. People interact less in person. Everyone is obsessed with their electronic devices and people take less time to really check in on others

Is the Goal Really the Point?

A few weeks back I wrote an article on whether or not to share your goals. This week I explore ‘Is the goal really the point?’;  I see these two topics intrinsically linked as it depends on why you are setting the goal in the first place. 

How Regular People Find Their Purpose

Have you ever stopped and wondered how some people seamlessly find their purpose, and yet others die without ever knowing the joy of being purposeful?

Should You Share Your Goals Publicly?

Some people are highly motivated by external influences to spur you on. While other people wouldn’t dream on sharing their goals due to a number of factors. Maybe you’ve been ridiculed in the past, or people around you don’t really understand your motivations. So, how do you know when to share your goals for that extra motivation, and when should you keep it under wraps?