Category: Friday Insights

Professional Coaching and Mentoring

Top 6 Actions That Help You Achieve Your Goals

So, we are over halfway through the year and if you are like me, you had some lofty ideas about what you wanted to achieve this year and how you were going to go about it. And, you may have set some goals or New Year’s resolutions only to find that as the year progressed, little things cropped up and started to wear away at your mindset, diminishing the well-intentioned goals set months before. This is okay, life happens. If you are feeling like you are in a funk and if you’re tired of making resolutions and goals that you never accomplish, a new approach may help.  

What Is The Meaning of Life?

Google “what is the meaning of life” and you will quickly discover that it is one of those sought-after quests that can never truly be answered because there are just too many opinions and personal definitions for any one meaning to be true for everyone.

Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

Whether you believe it or not, there is a purpose for your life. Some people instinctively know what they are meant to be doing. Whereas others may have to take several paths to find their way. With a little digging, you too can find where you’re meant to be.

How You Can Develop Success in Your Life 

What does success mean to you? And how do you develop yourself to be ‘successful’? This blog will look at the top five traits in the super successful and how you can develop these traits to.

I See the World with Fresh Eyes

I seek a personal connection with the events I observe. I explore important memories and I think about how I can contribute to the world.

Stopping Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is when people hinder their own success. This can be in the form of negative self-talk, such as telling yourself that you are inadequate or unworthy of success.

New Possibilities – Future Goals

New possibilities are open to you when you invite yourself to have different experiences to what you do currently, and you seek alternate opportunities to explore and discover.

People generally decide to seek out a coach when they want to explore the idea of pursuing new goals and opportunities. Generally, they don’t know where to start; or, they may have some idea of what to do but are unsure of taking that next step.

Why a Mentor is Critical and How to Find One

Success is easier and faster with a mentor.

Maybe you want the satisfaction of pursuing your dream alone. Or maybe you’re embarrassed to reach out to a potential mentor, or don’t even know where to begin looking.

All Things Come To You When You Are Ready 

I am sure you have probably all heard this saying, and for me, I can say it rings true to me. So many times, when I wanted things to change in my life, I wished on change but did not take steps to modify my behaviour or my thoughts.

Contemplating Life and New Beginnings….. How I Will Succeed

A balanced life saves me from burning out. Just recently I negotiated part time work from my current employer for two reasons. The first, so I could find more time for myself. The second, so I could enjoy the slow launch of my new company. In the words of Simon Sinek:

It is better to go slowly in the right direction, than to go speeding in the wrong direction.”